多样性、股票 & 包容

多元平等办公室 & 包容 strives to serve our vision of a fully inclusive and equitable Chatham and our mission of advancing an environment that is inclusive, 多样化的, 相互尊重, 对所有学生都是公平的, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. 我们以以下价值观为基础:

  • 股本刚性 -提请注意资源方面的差距, 权利, quality of life among historically privileged and marginalized groups.
  • 交集 – Honoring the wholeness and uniqueness of individuals’ lived experiences as a result of holding multiple social identities.
  • 创伤通知 – Examining the influence and impact of responses to personal, 人际关系, 以及社会暴力行为.
  • 广阔的包容性 – Creating an environment broad and vast enough to encompass all community members, 不管他们的背景如何, that encourages authenticity and transformation rather than assimilation and conformity
  • 恢复 – Engaging in community 对话 practices that build relationships and repair harm.


Photo of BIPOC students wearing masks, attending the RISE retreat


The RISE Retreat provides Chatham students of color with an opportunity for group mentorship, 社区建设, 身份的发展, creating a network of BIPOC students and 工作人员 at the university. 此次静修将于2024年8月19日至20日举行. 任何学生 of color at Chatham is encouraged to register by the August 5th deadline. 

提交注册 : Checkerboard 1 - RISE有色人种学生静修
Photo of four 黑色的 students laughing and sining on stage with microphones during BIPOC 卡拉ok night. There is a sign behind them that says YOU ARE MAGIC.

BIPOC & 酷儿家庭聚餐

Chatham's BIPOC and LGBTQIA + community members gather monthly for these casual, 城市空间. 任何学生, 教师, or 工作人员 who identifies with those communities is invited for a two-hour gathering featuring food, 游戏, 还有飙车之类的活动, 卡拉ok, 品尝无酒精鸡尾酒.

Photo of a group of six Chatham University students sitting outside a red brick academic building on the ground and benches talking


Chatham's Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) Program offers academic courses each semester for undergraduate or graduate students interested in practicing the skills of intergroup 对话. 另外, 该项目提供the Learning Edge, a one-time 对话 workshop available for requests from campus groups.

探索群体间关系 棋盘3 -小组间对话程序


We aim to create a community of worldview-inclusive 教师, 工作人员, students who can live authentically in their religious, 精神上的, or secular identities alongside other intersecting identities. 对话会议, 撤退, 培训, a campus prayer/meditation room offer supportive spaces of identity exploration and 社区建设.

Photo of two female Chatham University students posing together at a multicultural affairs event.

历史 & 传统的庆祝活动

历史 and Heritage events engage the Chatham community in challenging stereotypes and embracing our rich campus diversity. These celebrations honor a variety of marginalized identities, 包括拉美裔/用拉丁文写, LGBTQIA +, 印第安人, 黑色的, AAPI, 以及女性认同的社区.

Photo of a group of Chatham University students wearing graduation stoles with rainbow LGBTQ+ representation, 一起摆姿势拍照.


The Lavender and Multicultural Graduation ceremony hosted each spring semester honors and celebrates the achievements of queer, BIPOC, international students due to their demographic underrepresentation in U.S. 高等教育机构.

Decorative image comprised of twelve religious symbols in a grid


This community of faith-based campus liaisons helps connect students with religious and 精神上的 resources in the greater Pittsburgh area. Members of this network attend Chatham's involvement fair each semester and often meet with students on campus for 精神上的 support.

下载小册子(PDF) :棋盘7 -查塔姆世界观网络
Photo of a female Chatham University student sitting on a bench outside on 足球波胆平台


第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("第九条") prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in 教育 programs and activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. 

了解第九条 :棋盘9 -第九条
Photo of a young 黑色的 woman smiling in Chatham University's Anderson 餐厅 Hall

支持多元化、公平 & 波胆网站的包容性

We understand that the greater community of aspiring allies and concerned citizens may ask what they can do to contribute towards racial advocacy and social justice efforts for Chatham students. Chatham has several affirming student organizations and initiatives that focus on restorative justice and engaging across different broader equity and inclusion efforts. Thank you for your interest in supporting these programs.

给现在 棋盘10 -支持多样性,公平 & 波胆网站的包容性

多样性、股票 & 包容